重庆市渝北区人民医院 中医科
擅长用中药和针灸方法解决常见病和部分疑难病症,特别是用中医中药内服外用和针灸治疗调理中晚期肿瘤,减少复发转移,提高生存质量方面有较好的效果,在当地有较为广泛的影响,近年特别关注预防肿瘤和调理亚健康人群,对老年病、咳喘、脾胃病、高血压、心脑血管病、糖尿病、肝胆病、失眠头痛、内分泌疾病、免疫了功能紊乱及颈腰腿痛等病有较好临床疗效。 <<收起
现任重庆市渝北区人民医院中医科主任。国家中医管理局中医药巡讲专家,国家中医管理局第三批临床优才,世中联肿瘤经方治疗研究专业委员会理事,中国民族医药学会医史文化专委会委员,重庆市中医学会理事,重庆市中医基础、文化、养身专委会副主任委员,重庆市络病专委会委员,重庆市中医肿瘤专委会委员,重庆医高专特聘教授,渝北区老干部特聘医生。重庆市渝北区政协第十三届、十四届委员。曾多次在成都、重庆及北京、广州等地进修学习。2008年晋升中医主任医师,同年被涪陵区评为“中青年名中医”,2013年评为渝北区首届名中医。渝北区2014年中医药技术传承指导老师。从事中医临床工作三十多年。遵纪守法,热爱中医专业,具有良好的职业道和扎实的中、西医理论基础及较为丰富的临床诊疗经验,不仅对常见病、多发病疗效好,在疑难病、危急重症方面也具有独特的诊疗技术专长(在涪陵区中医院创建并任急诊科主任),并具有培养和指导下级医师的能力;擅长用中药和针灸方法解决常见病和疑难病症。擅长用中药和针灸方法解决常见病和部分疑难病症,特别是用中医中药内服外用和针灸治疗调理中晚期肿瘤,减少复发转移,提高生存质量方面有较好的效果,在当地有较为广泛的影响,近年特别关注预防肿瘤和调理亚健康人群,对老年病、咳喘、脾胃病、高血压、心脑血管病、糖尿病、肝胆病、失眠头痛、内分泌疾病、免疫了功能紊乱及颈腰腿痛等病有较好临床疗效。长期从事临床一线工作,其病人来源不仅限于本地,还辐射至周边区县和部分省市,在病人和同行中有很好的口碑和较高的评价;省级以上统计源医学期刊上发表了较高学术水平专业论文二十多 篇;主持科研课题三项。多次被评为优秀和先进工作者及优秀农工党员。Wei Huang, female, born on August 28 1963, chongqing fuling.The director of the people's hospital of chongqing Yubei District.The Chinese medicine experts and lecturer of National Administration of Traditional Chinese medicine. The clinical elitist of National Administration of Traditional Chinese medicine. The zoomlion tumor by the treatment research director of professional committee. Member of the national medical association medical history culture branch of China. The executive director of the institute of Chinese medicine in chongqing. The deputy director of the foundation,culture, health preserve of traditional Chinese medicine. The members of Chongqing collaterals disease branch committee. The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine tumor branch in chongqing. Chongqing medical college professor. Distinguished Doctor of cadre Yubei District. Having studied in Beijing, chengdu, chongqing, guangzhou and other places for several times.In 2008, the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine, director of the physician, in the same year by fuling rated as "young and middle-aged Chinese medicine", in 2013 named Yubei District the first name of traditional Chinese medicine.Engaged in clinical work more than 30 years of traditional Chinese medicine.Law-abiding, love traditional Chinese medicine professional, has the good professional and a solid theoretical basis and between Chinese and western medicine is relatively rich experience in clinical diagnosis and treatment, not only to the common disease, frequently-occurring disease curative effect is good, in the aspect of knotty, emergency and severe cases also has unique diagnosis technical expertise (in fuling district hospital created and ren), director of the emergency department, and have the ability to train and guide the junior doctors;Good at using traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture methods to solve common diseases and difficult diseases.Good at using Chinese medicine internal and external regulate middle-late tumor, AIDS patients with tumor upright, reduce recurrence metastasis, improve the quality of survival, survival life extension of the tumor patients with tumor., the influence of the local have become more widely in recent years, pay special attention to the prevention of tumor and regulate sub-health population, to cough and gasp the, spleen and stomach disease, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, fatty liver, insomnia, headaches, endocrine disease, immune dysfunction and neck, waist and leg pain and other diseases have a higher good clinical efficacy.Long engaged in clinical work, a line source of the patient is not limited to local, and radiation to surrounding counties and some provinces and cities, in the patients and their peers have a good reputation and high evaluation;At or above the provincial level statistics source medical journals published academic level of higher profession more than 20 papers;Presided over the three scientific research subject.Is evaluated many times the excellent and advanced workers and peasants and party members.