数字TBI : The center disease control (CDC) estimates that each yeat 1.7 million american sustain a TBI , including concussions. of those individals, 52,000 die, 275, 000 are hospitalized, and 1.4 million are treated and released from an emerbency department.中南大学湘雅医院神经外科李学军
Approximately 80 percent of all individuals with mTBI are symptom-free six to nine months post-injury as the brain regenerates neural connections. The remaining 20 percent experience long-term post- concussive symptoms and have a higher risk of additional neurological disorders, such as epilepsy and dementia.
慎重! PTSD or mTBI ? : As in some cases, PTSD and mTBI symptoms overlap considerably, but treatments for each differ, because mTBI involves actual phyioloigical injury to neural anatomy whereas PTSD is characterized by emotional and psychological trauma. avoid working the wrong problem.
partial list of symptoms : headaches, dizzines, anxiety, fatigue, apathy, depression, irritability, noise and light aversion, lack of patience, sexual inappropriateness, and problems with concentration.
MEG的作用; In mTBI, the damage is to a minute (>35um diam) structure called an axon, while CT and MRI are extremely sensitive modalities. the injury is poorly depicted on CT and MRI.
MEG measures the abnormal slow-waves of the mTBI patient. and we can use various solutions for analysis. So Let's work on the right problem.