摘要 烟雾病(moyamoya病)是一种以颈内动脉及其大分支末端进行性狭窄甚至闭塞为特征的少见的脑血管疾病。烟雾病患者血流重建术对出血性卒中受益与否仍有争论,但直接和/或间接血流重建术可以有效预防进一步的缺血性卒中事件发生已经毋庸置疑。本文结合最新的知识讨论Moyamoya病,介绍临床表现、诊断以及外科治疗并总结展望以期改善总体预后。上海长海医院神经外科戴冬伟
关键词 烟雾病;血流重建
Clinical Progress of Moyamoya disease
Dong-Wei Dai ,Wen-Yuan Zhao,Jian-Min Liu
Abstract Moyamoya disease is an uncommon cerebrovascular disease that is characterised by progressive stenosis of the terminal portion of the internal carotid artery and its main branches. ECA-ICA bypass and indirect bypass can help prevent further ischaemic attacks, although the beneficial effect on haemorrhagic stroke is still not clear. This article reviews the clinical features, diagnosis, surgical treatment, and outcomes of moyamoya disease. Recent updates and future perspectives for moyamoya disease will also be discussed.
Key Words Moyamoya disease;revascularisation
作者单位: 200433 上海,中国人民解放军第二军医大学附属长海医院神经外科
通讯作者: 刘建民,Email: liu118@vip.163.com